Welcome to my new webpage.

Sorry I am not taking graduate students until Fall 2026

The work we do in the laboratory covers two broad areas of research

  1. Bigeochemistry of streams, lakes, and tile-drained agricultural fields
  • Watershed management effects on stream water quality

  • Nitrate removal of constructed wetlands

  • Cover crop reduction of nitrate losses

  • Monitoring water quality in streams entering two drinking water reservoirs

  1. Crayfish ecology and invasions
  • Invasion dynamics in streams

  • Performance and behavior in flow

  • Morphological differences in response to flow

My laboratory is currently working on one primary project:

  1. Role of cover crops in reducing nutrient loss from a new experimental plot system using a new cash cover crop.The aspects of this project we will be working on are:
  • Soil quality and nutrient content

  • porewater nitrogen concentrations with and without cover crops

  • weed diversity and biomass associated with cover crops compared to reference

  • honeybee use of the cover crop

  • nutrient loss from tile water

still updating