##Load libraries We will read in the main files and load the libraries as we have worked with so far.

# #Install Packages ----
# install.packages("tidyverse")
# install.packages("lubridate")
# install.packages("scales")
# install.packages("readxl")
# install.packages("survminer")
# install.packages("survival")
# install.packages("patchwork")
# install.packages("broom")
# ANOVA specific
# install.packages("car")
# install.packages("emmeans")
# install.packages("multcompView")

#Load libraries ----
# library(zoo)

The data for this project was downloaded from http://stat.pugetsound.edu/hoard/datasetDetails.aspx?id=1

This is a super fun data set in my opinion on m&m’s

# read file----
mm.df <- read_csv("data/mms.csv")
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
##   center = col_character(),
##   color = col_character(),
##   diameter = col_double(),
##   mass = col_double()
## )
mm.df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(center, color=color)) +
  stat_summary(aes(y = mass ),
               fun.y = mean,
               geom = "point",
               size = 4,
               position = position_dodge(0.3),
               na.rm = TRUE) +
  stat_summary(aes(y = mass),
               fun.data = mean_se,
               geom = "errorbar",
               width = 0.2,
               position = position_dodge(0.3),
               na.rm = TRUE) 
## Warning: `fun.y` is deprecated. Use `fun` instead.

mm.df <- mm.df %>%
    center = as.factor(center),
    color = as.factor(color)
mm.df <- mm.df %>%
    center = fct_relevel(center, 
                         "plain", "peanut butter", "peanut"),
    color = fct_relevel(color, 
                        "red", "blue", "brown", "green", "orange", "yellow" )
# Set it up for Type III SS ANOVA
options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
# Fit the linear model and conduct ANOVA
model = lm(mass ~ center*color, data=mm.df)
Anova(model, type="III")       # Use type="III" ALWAYS!!!!
## Anova Table (Type III tests)
## Response: mass
##               Sum Sq  Df    F value                Pr(>F)    
## (Intercept)  1928.03   1 48402.2077 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## center        373.84   2  4692.5209 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
## color           0.81   5     4.0567              0.001214 ** 
## center:color    0.77  10     1.9239              0.038945 *  
## Residuals      31.79 798                                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Post F test of interactions -----
model.emm <- emmeans(model, ~ center * color)
# plot of comparisons
# blue are confidence intervals, red arrows overlap mean no significant diff
plot(model.emm, comparisons = TRUE)

# pairwise
emminteraction = emmeans(model, 
                         pairwise ~ center:color,

##  contrast                                     estimate     SE  df t.ratio
##  plain red - peanut butter red               -0.885993 0.0508 798 -17.431
##  plain red - peanut red                      -1.772017 0.0518 798 -34.239
##  plain red - plain blue                      -0.005747 0.0338 798  -0.170
##  plain red - peanut butter blue              -0.998017 0.0459 798 -21.730
##  plain red - peanut blue                     -1.721443 0.0465 798 -37.022
##  plain red - plain brown                     -0.016099 0.0339 798  -0.475
##  plain red - peanut butter brown             -0.948612 0.0404 798 -23.459
##  plain red - peanut brown                    -1.716822 0.0492 798 -34.909
##  plain red - plain green                     -0.015409 0.0335 798  -0.460
##  plain red - peanut butter green             -1.065811 0.0431 798 -24.724
##  plain red - peanut green                    -1.826258 0.0465 798 -39.276
##  plain red - plain orange                    -0.010317 0.0349 798  -0.296
##  plain red - peanut butter orange            -0.875517 0.0484 798 -18.074
##  plain red - peanut orange                   -1.715862 0.0454 798 -37.802
##  plain red - plain yellow                    -0.010986 0.0362 798  -0.304
##  plain red - peanut butter yellow            -0.885133 0.0381 798 -23.222
##  plain red - peanut yellow                   -1.712554 0.0465 798 -36.830
##  peanut butter red - peanut red              -0.886024 0.0624 798 -14.209
##  peanut butter red - plain blue               0.880246 0.0485 798  18.140
##  peanut butter red - peanut butter blue      -0.112024 0.0576 798  -1.944
##  peanut butter red - peanut blue             -0.835450 0.0581 798 -14.387
##  peanut butter red - plain brown              0.869895 0.0486 798  17.906
##  peanut butter red - peanut butter brown     -0.062619 0.0533 798  -1.174
##  peanut butter red - peanut brown            -0.830828 0.0602 798 -13.792
##  peanut butter red - plain green              0.870585 0.0483 798  18.036
##  peanut butter red - peanut butter green     -0.179818 0.0554 798  -3.246
##  peanut butter red - peanut green            -0.940265 0.0581 798 -16.192
##  peanut butter red - plain orange             0.875676 0.0493 798  17.772
##  peanut butter red - peanut butter orange     0.010476 0.0596 798   0.176
##  peanut butter red - peanut orange           -0.829869 0.0572 798 -14.511
##  peanut butter red - plain yellow             0.875007 0.0502 798  17.433
##  peanut butter red - peanut butter yellow     0.000861 0.0516 798   0.017
##  peanut butter red - peanut yellow           -0.826561 0.0581 798 -14.234
##  peanut red - plain blue                      1.766270 0.0495 798  35.687
##  peanut red - peanut butter blue              0.774000 0.0584 798  13.246
##  peanut red - peanut blue                     0.050574 0.0589 798   0.859
##  peanut red - plain brown                     1.755919 0.0495 798  35.440
##  peanut red - peanut butter brown             0.823405 0.0542 798  15.186
##  peanut red - peanut brown                    0.055196 0.0610 798   0.905
##  peanut red - plain green                     1.756609 0.0492 798  35.674
##  peanut red - peanut butter green             0.706206 0.0562 798  12.556
##  peanut red - peanut green                   -0.054241 0.0589 798  -0.921
##  peanut red - plain orange                    1.761700 0.0502 798  35.075
##  peanut red - peanut butter orange            0.896500 0.0604 798  14.836
##  peanut red - peanut orange                   0.056155 0.0580 798   0.968
##  peanut red - plain yellow                    1.761031 0.0511 798  34.444
##  peanut red - peanut butter yellow            0.886885 0.0525 798  16.889
##  peanut red - peanut yellow                   0.059463 0.0589 798   1.010
##  plain blue - peanut butter blue             -0.992270 0.0434 798 -22.882
##  plain blue - peanut blue                    -1.715696 0.0440 798 -39.022
##  plain blue - plain brown                    -0.010351 0.0303 798  -0.341
##  plain blue - peanut butter brown            -0.942865 0.0375 798 -25.143
##  plain blue - peanut brown                   -1.711075 0.0468 798 -36.566
##  plain blue - plain green                    -0.009661 0.0298 798  -0.324
##  plain blue - peanut butter green            -1.060064 0.0404 798 -26.261
##  plain blue - peanut green                   -1.820511 0.0440 798 -41.406
##  plain blue - plain orange                   -0.004570 0.0314 798  -0.145
##  plain blue - peanut butter orange           -0.869770 0.0460 798 -18.901
##  plain blue - peanut orange                  -1.710115 0.0428 798 -39.961
##  plain blue - plain yellow                   -0.005239 0.0329 798  -0.159
##  plain blue - peanut butter yellow           -0.879386 0.0350 798 -25.137
##  plain blue - peanut yellow                  -1.706807 0.0440 798 -38.819
##  peanut butter blue - peanut blue            -0.723426 0.0538 798 -13.438
##  peanut butter blue - plain brown             0.981919 0.0434 798  22.611
##  peanut butter blue - peanut butter brown     0.049405 0.0487 798   1.015
##  peanut butter blue - peanut brown           -0.718804 0.0562 798 -12.798
##  peanut butter blue - plain green             0.982609 0.0431 798  22.811
##  peanut butter blue - peanut butter green    -0.067794 0.0509 798  -1.331
##  peanut butter blue - peanut green           -0.828241 0.0538 798 -15.386
##  peanut butter blue - plain orange            0.987700 0.0442 798  22.346
##  peanut butter blue - peanut butter orange    0.122500 0.0555 798   2.206
##  peanut butter blue - peanut orange          -0.717845 0.0529 798 -13.575
##  peanut butter blue - plain yellow            0.987031 0.0452 798  21.826
##  peanut butter blue - peanut butter yellow    0.112885 0.0468 798   2.413
##  peanut butter blue - peanut yellow          -0.714537 0.0538 798 -13.273
##  peanut blue - plain brown                    1.705345 0.0440 798  38.733
##  peanut blue - peanut butter brown            0.772831 0.0492 798  15.698
##  peanut blue - peanut brown                   0.004622 0.0566 798   0.082
##  peanut blue - plain green                    1.706035 0.0437 798  39.054
##  peanut blue - peanut butter green            0.655632 0.0514 798  12.744
##  peanut blue - peanut green                  -0.104815 0.0543 798  -1.930
##  peanut blue - plain orange                   1.711126 0.0448 798  38.201
##  peanut blue - peanut butter orange           0.845926 0.0560 798  15.108
##  peanut blue - peanut orange                  0.005581 0.0534 798   0.105
##  peanut blue - plain yellow                   1.710457 0.0458 798  37.346
##  peanut blue - peanut butter yellow           0.836310 0.0473 798  17.665
##  peanut blue - peanut yellow                  0.008889 0.0543 798   0.164
##  plain brown - peanut butter brown           -0.932514 0.0376 798 -24.820
##  plain brown - peanut brown                  -1.700723 0.0469 798 -36.300
##  plain brown - plain green                    0.000690 0.0299 798   0.023
##  plain brown - peanut butter green           -1.049713 0.0404 798 -25.962
##  plain brown - peanut green                  -1.810159 0.0440 798 -41.114
##  plain brown - plain orange                   0.005781 0.0315 798   0.183
##  plain brown - peanut butter orange          -0.859419 0.0461 798 -18.653
##  plain brown - peanut orange                 -1.699763 0.0429 798 -39.661
##  plain brown - plain yellow                   0.005113 0.0329 798   0.155
##  plain brown - peanut butter yellow          -0.869034 0.0351 798 -24.787
##  plain brown - peanut yellow                 -1.696456 0.0440 798 -38.531
##  peanut butter brown - peanut brown          -0.768209 0.0518 798 -14.838
##  peanut butter brown - plain green            0.933204 0.0372 798  25.108
##  peanut butter brown - peanut butter green   -0.117199 0.0460 798  -2.545
##  peanut butter brown - peanut green          -0.877645 0.0492 798 -17.827
##  peanut butter brown - plain orange           0.938295 0.0385 798  24.394
##  peanut butter brown - peanut butter orange   0.073095 0.0511 798   1.431
##  peanut butter brown - peanut orange         -0.767250 0.0482 798 -15.922
##  peanut butter brown - plain yellow           0.937627 0.0396 798  23.657
##  peanut butter brown - peanut butter yellow   0.063480 0.0414 798   1.533
##  peanut butter brown - peanut yellow         -0.763942 0.0492 798 -15.517
##  peanut brown - plain green                   1.701413 0.0465 798  36.567
##  peanut brown - peanut butter green           0.651010 0.0539 798  12.082
##  peanut brown - peanut green                 -0.109436 0.0566 798  -1.932
##  peanut brown - plain orange                  1.706504 0.0476 798  35.873
##  peanut brown - peanut butter orange          0.841304 0.0582 798  14.446
##  peanut brown - peanut orange                 0.000959 0.0557 798   0.017
##  peanut brown - plain yellow                  1.705836 0.0485 798  35.157
##  peanut brown - peanut butter yellow          0.831689 0.0500 798  16.641
##  peanut brown - peanut yellow                 0.004267 0.0566 798   0.075
##  plain green - peanut butter green           -1.050403 0.0401 798 -26.223
##  plain green - peanut green                  -1.810849 0.0437 798 -41.453
##  plain green - plain orange                   0.005091 0.0310 798   0.164
##  plain green - peanut butter orange          -0.860109 0.0457 798 -18.802
##  plain green - peanut orange                 -1.700454 0.0425 798 -40.007
##  plain green - plain yellow                   0.004423 0.0325 798   0.136
##  plain green - peanut butter yellow          -0.869724 0.0346 798 -25.117
##  plain green - peanut yellow                 -1.697146 0.0437 798 -38.851
##  peanut butter green - peanut green          -0.760447 0.0514 798 -14.781
##  peanut butter green - plain orange           1.055494 0.0413 798  25.579
##  peanut butter green - peanut butter orange   0.190294 0.0532 798   3.576
##  peanut butter green - peanut orange         -0.650051 0.0504 798 -12.885
##  peanut butter green - plain yellow           1.054825 0.0424 798  24.904
##  peanut butter green - peanut butter yellow   0.180679 0.0440 798   4.105
##  peanut butter green - peanut yellow         -0.646743 0.0514 798 -12.571
##  peanut green - plain orange                  1.815941 0.0448 798  40.541
##  peanut green - peanut butter orange          0.950741 0.0560 798  16.980
##  peanut green - peanut orange                 0.110396 0.0534 798   2.068
##  peanut green - plain yellow                  1.815272 0.0458 798  39.634
##  peanut green - peanut butter yellow          0.941125 0.0473 798  19.879
##  peanut green - peanut yellow                 0.113704 0.0543 798   2.093
##  plain orange - peanut butter orange         -0.865200 0.0468 798 -18.485
##  plain orange - peanut orange                -1.705545 0.0436 798 -39.080
##  plain orange - plain yellow                 -0.000669 0.0340 798  -0.020
##  plain orange - peanut butter yellow         -0.874815 0.0360 798 -24.290
##  plain orange - peanut yellow                -1.702237 0.0448 798 -38.002
##  peanut butter orange - peanut orange        -0.840345 0.0551 798 -15.258
##  peanut butter orange - plain yellow          0.864531 0.0478 798  18.097
##  peanut butter orange - peanut butter yellow -0.009615 0.0493 798  -0.195
##  peanut butter orange - peanut yellow        -0.837037 0.0560 798 -14.949
##  peanut orange - plain yellow                 1.704876 0.0447 798  38.161
##  peanut orange - peanut butter yellow         0.830729 0.0463 798  17.959
##  peanut orange - peanut yellow                0.003308 0.0534 798   0.062
##  plain yellow - peanut butter yellow         -0.874147 0.0373 798 -23.460
##  plain yellow - peanut yellow                -1.701568 0.0458 798 -37.152
##  peanut butter yellow - peanut yellow        -0.827422 0.0473 798 -17.477
##  p.value
##  <.0001 
##  <.0001 
##  1.0000 
##  <.0001 
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##  1.0000 
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##  0.0068 
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## P value adjustment: bonferroni method for 153 tests
# # CLD 
    Letters = letters,
    adjust="bonferroni") # can be bonferroni- as well
##  center        color  emmean     SE  df lower.CL upper.CL .group
##  plain         red     0.854 0.0262 798    0.776    0.933  a    
##  plain         blue    0.860 0.0214 798    0.796    0.924  a    
##  plain         orange  0.865 0.0230 798    0.796    0.934  a    
##  plain         yellow  0.865 0.0249 798    0.791    0.940  a    
##  plain         green   0.870 0.0208 798    0.807    0.932  a    
##  plain         brown   0.871 0.0215 798    0.806    0.935  a    
##  peanut butter orange  1.730 0.0407 798    1.608    1.852   bc  
##  peanut butter yellow  1.740 0.0277 798    1.657    1.823   b   
##  peanut butter red     1.740 0.0436 798    1.610    1.871   bc  
##  peanut butter brown   1.803 0.0308 798    1.711    1.896   bc  
##  peanut butter blue    1.853 0.0377 798    1.739    1.966   bc  
##  peanut butter green   1.920 0.0342 798    1.818    2.023    c  
##  peanut        yellow  2.567 0.0384 798    2.452    2.682     d 
##  peanut        orange  2.570 0.0371 798    2.459    2.682     d 
##  peanut        brown   2.571 0.0416 798    2.446    2.696     d 
##  peanut        blue    2.576 0.0384 798    2.461    2.691     d 
##  peanut        red     2.627 0.0446 798    2.493    2.760     d 
##  peanut        green   2.681 0.0384 798    2.565    2.796     d 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## Conf-level adjustment: bonferroni method for 18 estimates 
## P value adjustment: bonferroni method for 153 tests 
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05
# assumptions ----
# Homogeneity of variance----
# 1. Homogeneity of variances-----
plot(model, 1)

# Levene test homogeneity of variance ----
leveneTest(mass ~ center*color, data=mm.df)
## Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
##        Df F value                Pr(>F)    
## group  17  28.574 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
##       798                                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#Normality of residuals------
plot(model, 2)

# Normality of resituals qqnorm-----

# Shapiro test ----
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  model$res
## W = 0.87257, p-value < 0.00000000000000022