Installing libraries

Packages / Libraries

Libraries are sets of code that are stored either individually or as groups in packages that when installed add a lot of functionality to R. The tidyverse package for instance has a lot of libraries in it that make using R a lot easier for beginners and advanced users. Tidyverse builds on base R to make the syntax similar across many of the tasks you will want to do.

These are in my mind the essential libraries for R that I use all the time

You will install these one time and then you need to load the libraries each time you use R and I usually have them loaded at the top of each script. Below is how to install libraries

install.packages("devtools") # install new things from developmental sources
install.packages("tidyverse") # dplyr and piping and ggplot etc
install.packages("lubridate") # dates and times
install.packages("readxl") # read in excel files
install.packages("janitor") # clean up excel imports
install.packages("patchwork") # arrange multiple plots per page
install.packages("skimr") # quick summary stats
install.packages("plotly") # cool ggplot things
install.packages("scales") # scales on ggplot axes

Load Libraries in scripts

This is how to load the libraries at the start of each script.


These libraries are useful for general statistics and used quite often.

These are some of the better vetted statistical packages in my opinioon

install.packages("car") # stats and ANOVA - essential 
install.packages("emmeans") # estimated marginal means for unbalanced designs 
install.packages("multcomView") # paired comparisons - note this will interfear with DPLYR!!
install.packages("Rmisc") # stats 
install.packages("Hmisc") # stats install.packages("broom") # output models cleanly 

These are specialized libraries for specialized statistics

install.packages("GGally") # special ggplot graphs} 
install.packages("corrplot") # correlation plot matricies 
install.packages("survminer") # survival analysis  
install.packages("survival") # survival analysis  
install.packages("pwr") # power analysis  
install.packages("vegan") # PCA and other sorts of multidimensional  
install.packages("factoextra") # more PCA# mixed models  
install.packages("lmerTest") # mixed model Anovas  install.packages("blme") # Bayesian mixed model Anovas

Finally here are some lesser used packages that I do not use a lot but you might find useful

install.packages("hms") # useful for time series    
install.packages("akima") # imputing new values         
install.packages("RMySQL") # access MySQLserver     
install.packages("rLakeAnalyzer") # used for the lake analyzer scripts 
install.packages("LakeMetabolizer") #
install.packages("colorRamps") # adds cool color templates